Monday, March 28, 2011

Foot: Cleveland Film Festival part 1

To be honest, at first I thought this was going to be somewhat a waste of time. I didn't really see the point of going all the way to Cleveland to see an independent film when the assignment we are doing with these films could quite easily be done with DVDs or movies in local theaters. While I still feel this way, I had a lot more fun at the festival than I thought I would. While I probably won't go back again simply because it is too much of a drive on top of other life stuff, I'm glad I did have to go because I really enjoyed the film. In a large part, this is because I went with Rebecca and some of her friends. This made it a lot more fun than going by myself.

(This is the trailer for the film we saw). We saw the film Rubber which is about a serial killer tire. The tire blows people's heads off using his telekinetic powers. At the same time, there are characters within the movie that are watching the tire's actions as if it is a movie. And then there are the characters in the movie that know (at first) that this is just a stunt, and then the tire continues on its killing spree. This sounds really confusing and it is hard to explain the movie. It was so absurd that if you were to really try to analyze it, the film would be ruined. Therein lies the awesomeness of this film. Even one of the characters (a cop chasing the tire) starts the film off telling the audience (both us and the audience in the movie) that some things are just like that: absurd and with "No Reason." This is definitely not a film for everyone and if you are looking for a meaningful film, you really shouldn't see Rubber. But the tire definitely steals the show and the film was well done, even if some of the acting was odd. But that also works with the film. The entire theater was laughing for most of the film. Overall, I think a lot of people will find something to laugh about with this film. I personally don't think it's quite a waste of time as some people say in their reviews on IMDB. But I enjoyed it and wouldn't mind seeing it again.

This video is the opening scene to the film.


  1. I agree that I thought driving up to Cleveland and spending so much money (for me 14$, and gas is a TON of money for me right now) was really frustrating. But this was a really fun experience I'm glad I got to spend with Sarah Drake (who is in Kist's class). We saw the Children of Chabannes and it was REALLY REALLY good. And the movie talked about a school and how they handled teaching so many students of different background coming to the same area for the same reason: avoiding Nazi death camps. Go see it!!! Or it's on Netflix!

  2. I liked making te trip to Cleveland, it reminded me of all of the imtes me and my dad would go to Tower Ciy, only this time I was the one driving. I almost went ot see "Rubber", it sounds a bit too farfetcherd for me. I thohght the movie was about a guy who was able to blow up peoples' head telecentically, but I wqould never have thought that someone would make a movie about a tire that can blow up peoples' heads. But you say that everyoen is the thearter liked the movie, maybe I'll check it out.

  3. Yeah, I mean if you are looking for something with a deeper meaning, definitely don't watch it. And I think the movie definitely works better with a group of friends and if you are already in a silly mood. The movie has "no purpose" as stated at the beginning and doesn't really make sense. I enjoyed it, but my sense of humor is also a little strange.
