Friday, February 18, 2011

Foot: Twilight

Let's get something straight. Look at Twilight as a piece of literature and not as an author who got lucky and the series is not good. I'll admit I was obsessed with it for awhile. But this is also when it first came out and I quickly grew up,especially after so many people became obsessed with it. I can realize the attraction-after all, most teenagers become obsessed with the supernatural at some point and vampires are like the poster creature for the supernatural world. But there are so many better vampire stories than Twilight and the movies are even worse than the books. There are two good things about Twilight that I can see right now. One is that because it is so popular, maybe it'll help out the economy. Although that would make them even worse because it would be like they saved the country. The second good thing is that it might convince some readers to read Dracula and at least then they are reading literature.

I can admit as well that I am a little jealous of Meyers. I mean, how lucky can you get? I would love what I write to become a phenomen like Twilight. I just hope what I write is a little more substantial. Good for her that she was in the right place at the right time with something that started out with potential. But, for me anyway, Twilight is basically a waste of time and it's only because I can't stand to give away books that the series still has a spot on my bookcase. Twilight would not be something I would teach in my classroom, not unless it was like a Modern Novel class. I just don't think there is enough depth to it and would be hard to have discussions that go beyond "I liked it." But, if that is what my students were interested in, I would put aside my opinion and try to incorporate it somehow in my class, whether is is as a choice read or just letting students to read it during SSR. Because at least this way they are reading, which is what I hope for as a teacher.

Also, Harry Potter is way better.

Oh, and Renesmee? Fail, Stephanie Meyers. Fail. As for the pictures, I couldn't resist.I couldn't find any good Buffy pictures, otherwise I would have put that in too.


  1. Terri, I just have to comment on this to tell you how much I love the Harry Potter/Twilight comparison that you attached. It is awesome. I totally agree with the pedo-wolf thing. Thats where the series lost me. It freaked me out. The "Bella faints after Edward breaths into her face" is PRICELESS.

    I do have to admit that I disagree with you in some aspects, however. While I understand that Twilight is no great piece of literature, I do still love the story. That is until Meyer came out with book four and ruined the whole series. I literally want to destroy that book! I must agree though that the obsession that it has become has gotten out of hand, the movies SUCK, and HP is a million times better. :)

    I hope you don't mind but I'm totally putting the comparison on my FB :)

  2. No, I don't care. I found those images through Google, so they aren't mine anyway. See, what ruined Twilight for me was the whole obsession thing. Before that I was just fine with story. Yes, it's not really all that great, but I did enjoy the stories. And then way too many fan-girls got obsessed and just ruined it overall. Also, I completely agree that the movies are terrible. This is why, even though it is a completely horrible movie, Vampires Suck makes me laugh because not only is it making fun of the movies, but also the actors.
